बायोस रिपेर और पासवर्ड जेसी सर्विस का उपयोग सिर्फ बिल वाले लैपटॉप यूजर के लिए ही करे।
bios की फाइल मे सीरीअल नंबर की छेड़ छाड़ न करे एवंम ऐसे ग्राहक के काम को न ले । जिनके पास लैपटॉप का वेलिड बिल ना हो ।।
Hello, first-time user here. I have a Surface Pro Laptop 2 given to me by a company that went out of business. I've created a recovery USB to reset to factory settings but when trying to boot it says "Surface UEFI settings have been protected by a system password". How can I remove this? I understand egyfixlab has a solution. Please advise how to proceed. Thx
Hello I am contacting you because I would have paid the amount of $80.00 to access the Vip account. I would like to know: received the payment? And if it is yes, when will upgrade to vip account take place? Thank you for a possible reply reply.